Thursday, April 26, 2012

about technology...

I`m not really that kind of people that loves technology because I prefer other kind of live, not that one were you are a slave of the advances of technology, but of course it's very usefull if you wanna do... anything. On that way I choose the computer as my favourite piece of technology because you can use it to learn, to comunicate, to work and also to entertain yourself.

Well, I use a lot the computer because I study Design so I have to use a lot of technology tools that can give me the way to comunicate some proyect, and even to rise up one proyect or idea, you can build it on a better way using technology. On a job way, I think It's very very important and maby I couldn't live without it but seriously, it makes my life a lot more easy.

And in an other way, you can choose what do you wanna see, situation that dosen't happen with television. I think you can choose the channel you wanna see, but on the nacional channels you see just garbage and things that make you addicted to a way of life that, to me, It has no sent.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

about music... the doors.

My favourite music band is The Doors, basically I don't know a lot of them like all the names of it's members, actually I just remember the name of it's vocalist: Jim Morrison.

This band is originary from Los Angeles, California, and they play a kind of rock that I think it was very experimental at the time. They started playing arround the 60's and they becamed famous all arround the world influencing a lot of bands of the time and I also think that they give influences even today's music.

They have a lot of well-known hits like L.A. Woman, Poeple are Strangers, Riders on the Storm, Love me Two Times, etc.

They lived on the U.S.A. on a period of a lot of uprising and rough global situations, and young people all arround the world were triying to disclose the unhappyness that they were feeling about all the things that were going on. Also in that time becamed usal young people testing psicodelic drugs like weed, LSD, alcohol, and others, and if we take a look to the bands of this context, we can see how the music that they played talk a lot about experieneces or feelings that may have to do with this kind of experimentations. And we can see this different way to tell things not only on the letters but in the music it self.

I think those people stired up the course of music evolution on a very possitive way.  

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I was born in ClĂ­nica Las Condes in Santiago de Chile. The date of  my birth is August 19 on 1986. I lived in the location of Macul in Santiago and when I was almost two (or two) years old, my parents and I went to live to Virginia in the U.S.A. until I was four years old. There I went to an Lutheran Church School, of something like that, I don't remember very well, but it had some name like that. There I learn english, so, I think that is my mother lenguage. Then we return here, to Chile, on the year 89 or 90 I don´t remember very well, but I do remember that I didn`t unterstand any thing of the chilean language. So we arrived here and we went to live with my grandma' with my parents and my brother. We were going to a School named Colegio John John, were I didn't speek to anyone for a long time because I didn't now spanish. But then I learned and it was ok. Then I went to another school named Colegio San Marcos in Macul, where we went to lived after we lived with my grandma'. There I grow up, in that location and in that school until the year 2004. In that school I have find some of my best friends.

When I get out of school, I first started studying Design, on a common plan on Universidad de Chile, and I was there like six months, then i got out of that carrer for start studying Chemistry and Farmacy at the same university, but when I realized that I was going to be very sad working at that, I tried to found a carrer that can give me tools to give a message. So I start studying Theatrical Design at the same university, there I am at the moment, cursing the third year.

I like my carrer, and I also like to play guitar, make clothes, go on treking (?) trips with my friends and travel.

I acttualy live with two friends, which I name as my family. But of course I visit my mother and my dad with some regularity, one at the time.