Thursday, April 26, 2012

about technology...

I`m not really that kind of people that loves technology because I prefer other kind of live, not that one were you are a slave of the advances of technology, but of course it's very usefull if you wanna do... anything. On that way I choose the computer as my favourite piece of technology because you can use it to learn, to comunicate, to work and also to entertain yourself.

Well, I use a lot the computer because I study Design so I have to use a lot of technology tools that can give me the way to comunicate some proyect, and even to rise up one proyect or idea, you can build it on a better way using technology. On a job way, I think It's very very important and maby I couldn't live without it but seriously, it makes my life a lot more easy.

And in an other way, you can choose what do you wanna see, situation that dosen't happen with television. I think you can choose the channel you wanna see, but on the nacional channels you see just garbage and things that make you addicted to a way of life that, to me, It has no sent.