Thursday, May 31, 2012

Clotario Blest

I wanna talk today about Clotario Blest. He died 22 years ago on a day like today.

Clotario Blest-Riffo was born on November 17 on 1899 on Santiago.

He was a sindicalist leader of our country. He founded different organizations, like the National Agrupation of Fiscal Employees ANEF, the Workers Unique Central CUT, and the Revolutionary Left Movement MIR.

As well as he participated on the creation of social organizations on Chile, he also participated on many international activities. On the 50's he participated on The National Committee of Peace Partidaries of Chile together with Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral, for example.

I think that the most important thing about this man is that he promoted the fight of worker's rights but on a pacefull way. He is known in a lot of countries and the was an active opositpor ofa lot of dictatorships on Latinamerica, but as I said, he was a promoter of peace, something that I think is missing on these years.

He has a solitary old age, he only was accompanied  by his pets and two young persons, Oscar Ortiz and Francisco Díaz. They helpped him on his daily activities.

One of his late activities was a visit that he made to the politic prisoners of the Public Jail of Santiago on March 1990.

He died on the daybreak on May 31 on 1990. He was blurred on San Francisco's Temple and syndicalists, politicians, priests, students and workers in general payed his last respects to him. I think he was a great men, out of the political things.

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