Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Blogging Experience

Well I have to say that I really did enjoy the course because first of all going to Gómez Millas it's always nice, and because of the classmates were very nice, although I didn't got to know all of you very much. I think the topics that we talked on classes where very interesting to me because of that those are not my subjetc, all that kind of things about Anthropology were very interenting to me!, I love different things than routine and I liked a lot the things that we talked in classes. Even when Rodrigo said that those topics could be boring to me... jjaja :)

I wanna say too that I would like a lot if I could take the fourth English course whit Rodrigo and with the same classemates, but I'm realizing that maby I'm going to have to send a letter to the Faculty to evaluate if I can not do the course because I would have all the subjects of the semester, and  that mean don't have time nor even for doing well all the courses :( and believe me, there is not much time to lunch or to sleep. It really is insane. That makes me a little sad because maby I just would have to take some classes, not the totally of them, and that means to graduate not with my friends, but it also means to pay another year and it's a lot of money. But we'll see.

I think it was very fun the way on the classes were directed because it was very recreational and relaxing :) I I think we all have really good wave all together jajajaja

Well, kiss to all of you, it was really nice to meet you, but I really think that I would liked to know you better. But we can always share a cigarette or a beer around (1313) ajjaja

Thanks Rodrigo for the classes, it was very fun the process!!

See you all, Pancha.


pd: I tried to upload an image but I couldn't :(

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I just remember at this moment a 1996 movie that caused a lot of impression when I was twelve. It´s called Sleepers, directed by Barry Levinson, based on Lorenzo Carcaterra's 1995 novel. It's about four wicked boys arround ten to fourteen years old that lived on Hell's Kitchen, a shanty neighborhood in New York City. They always played pranks and in one of them they almost kill a man, so they are sentenced to serve time at Wilkinson Home for Boys, a child correctional institution.

This was a very hard and corrupt institution. The boys suffer there the most terrible situations, from humilliations to rape by the guards of the place. This made a very hard impress to me, because I was just a child and as I am a very romantic person, this connected me very hard with my emotions because of the injustice and madness that I saw in that characters, for example the thing of  how they ruined for ever the life of this four boys. I think that was the first time I experimented this deception and horror to the human being as a society. Obviously it was just a movie, a drama, but when I was an adolescent I leaned to mix everything jajaja.

Any way, as this was a shanty neighborhood, obviously on the history were involved gangsters and the tipical locel priest that tried to correct these boys, and all the interesting aesthetic and social movements that integrates this kind of places. So, after all this traumatic experience that happen on this Wilkinson Home, obviously their friendship changed for ever and they separated their ways.

One day, when years have passed, two of them were on a bar having a beer, and they saw enter one of the rapists on the bar and they kill him. So they were arrested and one of the other boys that have becomed a lawyer tried to save the souls of their childhood friends. So he makes a plan that involves all these people of their neighbordhood that I mentioned, like the priest.

It's a very good film on a direction way and it counts with a great cast: Kevin Bacon, Robert De Niro, Brad Pitt, Jason Patrik, Minnie Driver, Terry Kinney, Vittorio Gassman and Jeffrey Donovan. The characters are very well done and the art direction is very pertinent, despite is a realistic drama because sometimes those kind of movies tende to fall on the common, but I think this one is very well done. :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Heiner Müller was a German dramatist, poet, writer, essayist and thetare director, that people in the field call one of the best poets since Samuel Beckett -an other big one that I admire-. He was born on January 9, 1929, and died on December 30, 1995.

We can say by his carrer that he paved the way for the new generation of writers, directors and dramaturgs. Basically, in theatre, his works marks the beggining of a tradition on a densely poetic dramaturgy based on the loggic of assosiation, rather than linear dramatic narrative.

Müller's legacy on theatre replaces the "closed" didactical form of the Brechtian parable "opening" dramatic forms offering multiple meanings based on a surreal montage dramaturg. On Müller's breakthrough work "Hamletmachine," we may commence undistractedly our dreadful but all-important dialogue with the dead. He sais "Forget about love and turn your face to history". With Müller’s work, theater is a forum for examining history; it is "a dialogue with the dead."

I think theatre is the most important social tool on the artistic forms. Art is, above all, a way to investigate history, and on a very interesting way to study it. But I also think that artist put the information to be used on a long time after they make their works. So I think Heiner Müller makes some kind of work in wich you can see this investigation on the job, on the time of the work, thing that caracterize the escenical work on the XX Century, the century of the revolutions.

I also piked this man because I think that in thatre there are not so many social investigators living the same proces of its time on its work, and I see that Müller does it and on a very inteligent way.

Example: you should take a look to HAMLETMASHINE by Heiner Müller. 


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Clotario Blest

I wanna talk today about Clotario Blest. He died 22 years ago on a day like today.

Clotario Blest-Riffo was born on November 17 on 1899 on Santiago.

He was a sindicalist leader of our country. He founded different organizations, like the National Agrupation of Fiscal Employees ANEF, the Workers Unique Central CUT, and the Revolutionary Left Movement MIR.

As well as he participated on the creation of social organizations on Chile, he also participated on many international activities. On the 50's he participated on The National Committee of Peace Partidaries of Chile together with Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral, for example.

I think that the most important thing about this man is that he promoted the fight of worker's rights but on a pacefull way. He is known in a lot of countries and the was an active opositpor ofa lot of dictatorships on Latinamerica, but as I said, he was a promoter of peace, something that I think is missing on these years.

He has a solitary old age, he only was accompanied  by his pets and two young persons, Oscar Ortiz and Francisco Díaz. They helpped him on his daily activities.

One of his late activities was a visit that he made to the politic prisoners of the Public Jail of Santiago on March 1990.

He died on the daybreak on May 31 on 1990. He was blurred on San Francisco's Temple and syndicalists, politicians, priests, students and workers in general payed his last respects to him. I think he was a great men, out of the political things.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I don't think that you can have ONE favourite picture, but I`m going to choose this one because that weekend was very special to all the people that appears on the picture.

The picture was taked a month ago, on April 22, and we all got together because we were remainding the death of one of our friends, that happend one year ago, April 22, 2011. On the picture appears our group (but there are a lot of us that didn't asist that day), their girlfriends, his mother -the woman with a necklace-, his brother -the one with a yellow t-shirt-, and his girlfriend -the one with a pink t-shirt-.

We are on Agronomy's Faculty of Universidad de Chile, and behind us in the picture is our friend David painted by two of our friends -Saulo, the one with a light blue jockey; and Músico, the one with the striped t-shirt-, on the wall. That wall is in one of the sides of the edification where the students organize their stuff.

That day changed our life forever, but it also make us closer. We remember David everytime we get together, and sometimes some of the girls of the group cry, but we most remember him singing a lot because he was a very happy person and he always played the guitarr on the meatings, and singed with all his happiness. Actually, the funeral was like a party, there were a lot of people singing and singing, and playind the guitar, and after all it was not a sad funeral at all :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Obiously The Cat!

I think the best pet in the world is the Cat, because they have a strong personality but they are also very soft and they give you a lot of love.

What peolple say about that they are traecherous, I think cats just are very smart and they know who loves them and who doesn't, because even when they pee on some ones armchair or wall that is, on a biological way, because they have to delimit territory, and that is just telling us that it doesn't feel comfortable, they know they are hated there.

Cats are really a good pat because they take care of them selfs. Of course, they also need a lot of love and attention, but if you have shown it who is the boss, he is going to respect you and you style of life. For example, if you teach it that he cannot pee very where he wants, he is not going to do it. It's all in the way you interact with it.

I don't have a cat right now because I live on a small department, but I lived all my life with cats when I lived with my parents. I had a lot of cats, and I always have a sort of crush on them. Actually, my friends used to associate my person with cats and cats with me.

Any way, I'm moving away in a month to a place where there is going to live a cat to. So I'm very happy because I lov living with cats.

A few monts ago, I try to have a cat, but it was imposible, because he was very lonely all day long and we had to give him away :( Is the one in the picture.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

about technology...

I`m not really that kind of people that loves technology because I prefer other kind of live, not that one were you are a slave of the advances of technology, but of course it's very usefull if you wanna do... anything. On that way I choose the computer as my favourite piece of technology because you can use it to learn, to comunicate, to work and also to entertain yourself.

Well, I use a lot the computer because I study Design so I have to use a lot of technology tools that can give me the way to comunicate some proyect, and even to rise up one proyect or idea, you can build it on a better way using technology. On a job way, I think It's very very important and maby I couldn't live without it but seriously, it makes my life a lot more easy.

And in an other way, you can choose what do you wanna see, situation that dosen't happen with television. I think you can choose the channel you wanna see, but on the nacional channels you see just garbage and things that make you addicted to a way of life that, to me, It has no sent.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

about music... the doors.

My favourite music band is The Doors, basically I don't know a lot of them like all the names of it's members, actually I just remember the name of it's vocalist: Jim Morrison.

This band is originary from Los Angeles, California, and they play a kind of rock that I think it was very experimental at the time. They started playing arround the 60's and they becamed famous all arround the world influencing a lot of bands of the time and I also think that they give influences even today's music.

They have a lot of well-known hits like L.A. Woman, Poeple are Strangers, Riders on the Storm, Love me Two Times, etc.

They lived on the U.S.A. on a period of a lot of uprising and rough global situations, and young people all arround the world were triying to disclose the unhappyness that they were feeling about all the things that were going on. Also in that time becamed usal young people testing psicodelic drugs like weed, LSD, alcohol, and others, and if we take a look to the bands of this context, we can see how the music that they played talk a lot about experieneces or feelings that may have to do with this kind of experimentations. And we can see this different way to tell things not only on the letters but in the music it self.

I think those people stired up the course of music evolution on a very possitive way.  

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I was born in Clínica Las Condes in Santiago de Chile. The date of  my birth is August 19 on 1986. I lived in the location of Macul in Santiago and when I was almost two (or two) years old, my parents and I went to live to Virginia in the U.S.A. until I was four years old. There I went to an Lutheran Church School, of something like that, I don't remember very well, but it had some name like that. There I learn english, so, I think that is my mother lenguage. Then we return here, to Chile, on the year 89 or 90 I don´t remember very well, but I do remember that I didn`t unterstand any thing of the chilean language. So we arrived here and we went to live with my grandma' with my parents and my brother. We were going to a School named Colegio John John, were I didn't speek to anyone for a long time because I didn't now spanish. But then I learned and it was ok. Then I went to another school named Colegio San Marcos in Macul, where we went to lived after we lived with my grandma'. There I grow up, in that location and in that school until the year 2004. In that school I have find some of my best friends.

When I get out of school, I first started studying Design, on a common plan on Universidad de Chile, and I was there like six months, then i got out of that carrer for start studying Chemistry and Farmacy at the same university, but when I realized that I was going to be very sad working at that, I tried to found a carrer that can give me tools to give a message. So I start studying Theatrical Design at the same university, there I am at the moment, cursing the third year.

I like my carrer, and I also like to play guitar, make clothes, go on treking (?) trips with my friends and travel.

I acttualy live with two friends, which I name as my family. But of course I visit my mother and my dad with some regularity, one at the time.